In Love with Being Human: The Romance of Meditation

Photo Sep 04, 7 22 58 PM.jpg
Photo Sep 04, 7 22 58 PM.jpg

In Love with Being Human: The Romance of Meditation


All of us are enchanted by what is alluring, by what is attractive. Birds are in love with the azure freedom of the sky; fish love to slip through the clear flowing brook, to dart through the crashing waves; deer, fox, and forest creatures love the grassy meadow, the shadowy grove. For humans, love is intricate and many-layered. Nothing else moves us more. And love's movement takes beautiful form: as poetry, song, dance, art. Meditators are particularly devoted to love. However, the love of a meditator is very specific. In some ways, it drinks from the same sweet pool as the romantic; in others, it has its own secret valleys that those devoted solely to romance many never visit. 

In just a few days, many will celebrate love, especially romantic love. To bring the flowers of meditation, with its deep and captivating understandings, to perfume the sometimes wild uncertainty of romance, curious and nuanced souls gather to quietly and laughingly uncover the landscape of love within. All are welcome. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

10:00am 11:30am

The Living Mantra 125 Catalpa Street Santa Cruz, CA, 95062 United States

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