The Rainstorm of Emotion: Why Feeling Matters
The Rainstorm of Emotion: Why Feeling Matters
Emotions are a weather; they move in unexpectedly. A gentle rain becomes a downpour. We find ourselves far from home, with no umbrella. We are drenched. At times, we have to walk for miles in the deluge of emotion, soaked to the bone. Then, suddenly, the rain stops. The clouds part. We are warmed by the sunshine of joy, of relief. We gaze in awe at the grace of the swollen river, the rain-slicked streets, which just moments ago looked bleak and dreary. And even in that moment of revery, another weather pattern is on its way.
Emotions are the beloved landscape of meditators. Not because they are pleasant or easy, but because emotions are pathways into the heart's deepest sentiments. We are feeling beings, living a story written in the language of emotion. Without feeling, life would be colorless. Yet feeling must be intimately known and understood for it to positively enhance our story. Meditators do their best to walk in the rain, be warmed by the sun, feel the rush of the wind, and move willingly along the feeling trail of life. Through this willingness, their hearts are made tender and loving.
All are welcome to this meditation and conversation.
$20 welcomed donation. All invited, regardless of funds.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
10:00am 11:30am
The Living Mantra 125 Catalpa Street Santa Cruz, CA, 95062 United States